Managing Post-Election Stress: 3 Simple Tips to Find Calm

Post Election Stress

Here’s the deal. 

Election season has been an emotional rollercoaster. Way too much information and too much conflict with even friends and family. For most of us, we have heightened stress levels and a sense of uncertainty. Regardless of where you stand on politics, you’ve been barraged with months of campaign ads, debates, and discussions.  It’s natural to feel anxious.  Now that the results are in, the uncertainty continues. 

As psychotherapists, we see that most of our clients are feeling it and talking about it. It’s a totally normal reaction to prolonged uncertainty. Whether it’s concern about the future, frustration, or just plain fatigue, here’s a quick look at how post-election stress can affect us and a few simple tips to help you manage it.

How Stress and Uncertainty Affect Us

The period after an election can leave us in a “what happens next?” mindset which often leads to stress. Stress isn’t always bad but just for now, let's look at the down side of stress.

When we’re stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol, a hormone that helps us respond to threats but can be harmful in the long run if it stays elevated. High cortisol levels can lead to poor sleep, irritability, and trouble concentrating. Constant exposure to news and social media can amplify this, making us feel even more on edge and out of control.

So what is the solution? Focus on what is within your control. Here are a few tips we give our clients:

3 Tips to Manage Post-Election Stress

  1. Limit News and Social Media Consumption  Staying informed is one thing, but doom-scrolling for hours on end? That’s just draining. Try setting a limit on how much time you spend checking updates or discussing election results online. A few minutes a day for headlines is all you need to stay informed without overwhelming yourself.

  2. Prioritize Self-Care and Routine  Sometimes, the best way to regain a sense of control is through small, everyday actions. Get back to basics: make sure you’re eating well, getting some exercise, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule. Building healthy habits into your daily routine can help you feel more grounded and boost your resilience to stress.

  3. Connect with Others  Talking to friends, family, or even coworkers who share your concerns can be incredibly comforting. Reach out for support and let others know how you’re feeling. Sometimes, just knowing you’re not alone in your worries can make a big difference.

Uncertainty is always difficult. We can’t always make the bigger picture uncertainty go away but focusing on small steps you can take will help you get through it. Embrace small moments of calm that can happen when you use tips like this. 

Remember to reach out to a professional if it feels unmanageable. Don’t feel you have to go it on your own. Let’s do this together.

"Peace of mind is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope with it." — Unknown


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